
Each year the ECU Alumni Association recognizes alumni and friends for their service to the university and accomplishments in their careers. Recipients are honored each fall at ECU Alumni Awards Dinner.

Award nominations for 2024 are now open and will close on March 15 at 11:59 p.m.
Recipients are announced by the alumni association in May. Recipients are selected by the Awards Committee comprised of members of the ECU Alumni Association Board of Directors.

X Attendance at the annual awards ceremony is required by all recipients. Also, all recipients should adhere to standard of moral and ethical conduct and must be a person of such integrity, stature, and demonstrated ability that the faculty, staff, students, and alumni of ECU will take pride in, and be inspired by their accomplishments.

To submit a nomination for any of the four award categories, please review the list of awards below and to the left. Click to nominate and learn more about award specific criteria.
June 18, 2018: Virgil Clark '50 Distinguished Service Award

The ECU Alumni Association’s Virgil Clark '50 Distinguished Service Award is one of the most esteemed awards given by the university. It recognizes uncommon and outstanding service to the alumni association and/or the university as a whole.

Eligibility | Past Recipients




Honorary Alumni Award
June 18, 2018: Outstanding Alumni Award

The Outstanding Alumni Award is one of the most prestigious presented by the university. It recognizes alumni with a minimum of five years of work history, outstanding and uncommon achievement in one’s profession, civic affairs, and/or politics.

EligibilityPast Recipients

Young Alumni Award

The Young Alumni Achievement Award recognizes young alumni who have achieved notable success following graduation.

Eligibility | Past Recipients


Honorary Alumni status is extended to individuals who did not attend ECU but have adopted the University as their own through uncommon and outstanding service, substantial and continuing commitment, and loyalty.

Eligibility | Past Recipients
